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Tips For Betting From Successful Players

30 May 2020

In this article, we will consider the rules by which you can turn from a novice player into a plus player.

Searches for the desired ratio

A slight advantage in the value of the coefficient is a considerable increase in profit in the long term. Thanks to simple mathematical calculations, you can easily see that even hundredth coefficients can bring impressive money.

About probabilities

Source: Investopedia

Professional players never trust intuition and signs – at least they try to evaluate the forecast. If a player relies on his feelings, then he does not see the difference between such values ​​of coefficients as 1.4 and 1.8, but as mentioned above, profit ratios play a significant role. A professional player will assess the probability of victory of an athlete or team in percent.

There are several ways to measure probability. For example, look at the lines of bookmakers for past matches and draw certain conclusions, taking into account the latest news for future ones. Others estimate the probability offhand – for example, calculating how many times out of 10 this or that athlete wins. This method requires skill.

There is another way, based on statistics: to look at the last 10 matches of the athlete and calculate how many matches have been won. For example, if 6, then the probability is about 60% (6/10 * 100%). However, it is better not to use this method on USSportsbonus, since each match is unique. Of course, you can draw some parallels with past matches, but you should not rely on it completely.

Whatever method is chosen, the main thing is practice.

Profitable position

players bet
Source: HoopdHype

After choosing a match, you need to make a profitable bet. It must be remembered that the professionalism of the player is expressed not in the desire to win today, but in the desire to make a profit in the long term. A lot of players bet on the event that is most likely, but such a bet will not bring additional profit.

To determine the best bet, it is necessary to evaluate the probability of each event and compare the expectation, which is calculated as the product of probability and coefficient. Where it is greater, there is a higher profit.

Bid accounting

Bid accounting is an extremely useful and effective activity. It allows you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the players and find out the necessary conclusions: for example, that it is possible (but difficult) to play ultra-low odds, that net wins are more profitable than plus forms, and that football is a drain. Bet accounting is usually kept in Excel, and you can download a special program for players.

The desire to quit keeping statistics needs to be fought. Of course, it is difficult 2 weeks after watching a lot of matches and exhausted enthusiasm to keep statistics, but even without it even a very talented forecaster cannot expect a positive distance. It must be remembered that self-discipline is an extremely useful thing in gaming bets.

Risk control

It is unlikely that anyone will argue that winning is easy. After reviewing the statistics and news, the selection of matches is easy. Bookmakers are similar to casinos – in most cases they do not close, because people do not take their risks under control and do not want to realize that you can win many times, and lose no more than one – there will be no money to win back. As a result, a self-respecting player needs to calculate the risks or at least give them an assessment, i.e. You can’t bet more than you can.

You must remember the approximate amount of bets. Playing high kefs, you can get into a drawdown (a long strip of failures), so the amount of bets should not exceed 3% for factors like 2 or 3, and 2% for factors 4-5, and for factors whose value exceeds 5, the amount of bets should not be more than 1% of the game bank.

In addition, bets must be uniform. It is unreasonable to place 1 bet today, and tomorrow everything is in a row. You need to choose the best number of bets that you can analyze, and not try to grasp the vast or choose the best.

Real goals

Before plunging into earnings, it is necessary to answer the question – is it worth it? Earnings on bets is not a jackpot that will allow you to slide into the Maldives, but daily and hard work, with a professional approach that brings considerable profit (on average 30% of the game bank every month). If the bank is several tens of thousands of dollars, then you can earn quite well. However, do you agree, having $200 dollars, to spend the whole month to get 3 thousand by “blood and sweat”?

More is hardly possible. Often there are people who, having decided that they caught a wave of luck, tripled banks in a couple of days, ignoring the risks. The result is a complete loss.

Therefore, you need to figure out whether you can combine the main work and rates. For the latter, it is necessary to analyze events and spend a lot of time on other important matters. Maybe it’s a lot better to play a couple of times a month for fun?

Office selection

A reputable office accepts high amounts, provides high odds and pays profits immediately. Check out the list of such offices to place bets in pleasant conditions.

Goal definition

Source: TheIndependent

Before making a bet, decide whether you are doing it for fun or for making money. In the first case, you cannot delve into everything you have just read. You will get your well-deserved excitement, and if you lose, you will not tear your hair out. In the second – constantly analyse matches, record bets and stick to your chosen game and financial strategies, and soon you will have a source of additional permanent income. Remember the amount of money allocated by you for the game and which you do not mind losing. If the bank decreases, lower rates and vice versa.


Never forget that almost every player is in the red: some out of their own will, others out of ignorance, not knowing how to take control of raging emotions. And only a considerable part turns the game into a source of income – those that do not pursue immediate gains, but pay more attention to analysis and self-development.

Featured image: TalkBusiness

Source From : Coindoo News

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